New sensory garden project grows

Brighterway is funding a project that will see a new sensory garden at Parklands Mental Health Unit in Basingstoke.
The project has been set up in partnership with Sparsholt College (Horticultural) and military veterans through Help for Heroes as the hospital houses an MoD specific unit alongside general adult mental health services.

One garden will be sensory based and used for quiet contemplation and relaxation in conjunction with being a suitable space for privacy, much needed . It will play an important role for all patients through providing a suitable space for group therapy and mindfulness sessions.
The second garden has been designed for both social interaction and exercise. With ample tranquil seating it aims to incorporate adult exercise equipment and space for occupational therapy sessions such as art therapy, gardening club and yoga.
The project is being undertaken by volunteers and relies on fundraising, so if you would like to support the project, please donate via the Brighterway Just Giving page.