COVID-19: Support Us

How to donate
We’ve had lots of generous offers of support for our amazing staff at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. In response, we’ve set up a dedicated COVID-19 page on JustGiving.
During this difficult time we’ve set up the campaign to raise money to say thank you to the front-line staff that are working around the clock, putting their lives at risk and putting patients first.
Your donations will go towards helping us support them through care packages, wellness support, healthy food and refreshments.
We will also direct funds towards areas of greatest need as identified by staff across Southern Health, over and above what the NHS is already committed to providing.
We cannot thank you enough for any donation made, however large or small, it will make a lasting difference to our patients, service users and staff at this time.
Would you like to do your bit to raise funds for Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust? We’ve dedicated a whole page to fundraising at home where we share how you can get involved.
Find it here –
Donating gifts
If you would like to make a donation of items, please email and we will advise you the best way to make this donation.
We have recently set up an online application form specifically for volunteering during COVID-19.
If you would like to find out more or apply, please visit the Southern Health website.