Meet our fundraisers!

In response to our Brighterway COVID-19 appeal, we have had an influx of people creating their own fundraising events.
We spoke to a few of our amazing fundraisers to find out more about their fundraising event and why they chose to fundraise for Brighterway.

Firstly, we got in touch with Verity to get some more information about her fundraising. Verity shaved her head at the beginning of April and has currently raised over £550.
She says ‘In this current situation I really wanted to do something to help. The NHS staff have been working tirelessly to keep us safe and really deserve our support. I also hope that in shaving my head on a live video feed, it will bring some light and laughter during these dark times.’
We think Verity looks amazing both before & after!
If you would like to contribute to her page, you can find it here –
Next we spoke with Adam to see how his fundraising was getting on, he is donating £1 for every 1k he runs, and so far he has donated over £40.

He stated ‘I’m just an ordinary, 23 year old finance student, who wants to help raise as much money as I can, even if it is only a little, just to thank all the front-line staff for being amazing hero’s during this pandemic! I love my fitness and had already ran or cycled over 100k during lockdown so I decided why not donate £1 for every km I run and, have so far ran 40km, and donated just over £40. As the universities are closed, the furlough payments I’m receiving from my job are basically pointless so I’d rather the money go to people who deserve it than myself!’
See how Adam is getting on here –
Lucy from London combined her fundraising with something she loves – yoga! She wanted to show admiration and fundraise for the NHS by creating a new yoga challenge. The challenge consists of doing 3 yoga poses, donate £3 and send to 3 friends.

“My name is Lucy and I have been teaching Yoga in London for the last twenty years. I have huge admiration for the NHS – their work has been selfless & tireless over the last months, putting the needs of the nation before their own and making huge sacrifices within their own lives and families. This and all the other thousands of wonderful fundraising efforts currently taking place serve in some small way to show you how incredibly grateful we all are – please know that in your darkest moments and in the times when you have to dig deeper than you ever have had reason to do before, that we are remembering and praying for you all. We are grateful beyond measure.”
You can join the challenge and donate here –

Jessica took on a challenge of drawing for 24 hours. Her original target was to raise £100 but she absolutely smashed it by raising over £250! Michelle, Jessica’s mum, is very proud of her.
‘Jessica thought of this all by herself and wanted to do whatever she could to help.’
You can see an example of the lovely artwork above, and donate to Jessica’s page here –

Leo is running 2 miles a day for 26 days and he said he is doing it to ‘raise money for the NHS for brighterway because I want to help as much as I can
Debbie, Leo’s mum, described him as a ‘wonderful teenager’ saying ‘in the past he has raised money running for cancer charity’s and Action For Children. We all do our bit, and as his Dad runs a lot of marathons etc.. Leo is following in his footsteps.’
He is currently smashing his target of £50 with a total of nearly £200 so far. With 10 days left to go, it’s not too late to donate –

Inspired by Captain Tom, Lewis, 13, is running 2.5 miles every day in May. Lewis is missing his football team during lockdown and started running to keep fit. ‘I decided that I wanted to make a difference in this pandemic and support the NHS by saying a HUGE THANKYOU to everyone keeping us so safe every day’
6 days in so far and he’s absolutely smashing it, completing 2.5 miles as quickly as 21 minutes! He has also managed to raise near his target of £500 only a week into it.
To keep up to date with Lewis and donate to his page, click the link –
Connor completed a half-marathon in 1hour, 59 minutes and 49 seconds and has raised nearly £1000. When asked why he chose to run for Brighterway he said ‘I love making a difference to other people’s lives’. The money raised will be going towards care packages, wellness support, healthy food and refreshments.
We will also direct funds towards areas of greatest need as identified by staff across Southern Health, over and above what the NHS is already committed to providing. If you wish to donate, please click the link below.