More of our fundraisers!

In response to our Brighterway COVID-19 appeal, we have had an influx of people creating their own fundraising events.
We spoke to a few of our amazing fundraisers to find out more about their fundraising event and why they chose to fundraise for Brighterway.
Michael North
Michael is completing 100 laps of his garden a day.
He tells us, ‘well as a Disabled Naval Veteran, who has some other connected problems I have like many others been told to stay at home. So confronted with that I knew that I needed to keep as fit as possible, so as I walk very slowly, with the aid of two walking sticks I planned a route around our quite small garden, which I called a lap, and borne from that promised myself to do a 100 laps a day.
Well some 76 days later I have, with the aid of a “following breeze” and my sticks completed 7,600 laps which equates to about 220,400 steps (or so my aching knees tell me).

So while doing this, and thinking of the tremendous efforts made by “Major Tom” my mind was drawn to what could I do for a Charity which is close to my heart. (Needless to say I could never emulate his great effort) but I could make a contribution.
The Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust is very close to my heart, and their dedicated, and professional role delivering Mental Health care within Hampshire is of paramount importance to all who have need of their caring service.
So that was it then. I would try to raise some much needed Financial support to help them and their treasured Staff sustain, and where needed add value to the Professional service that they deliver to us the service user.
I then thought that a “Penny a Step”would not be too much to ask. So with that in mind I set my target at 250,000 steps, or £2500, so please if you can help on my journey to give something back to those who give us so much freely,and willingly,.
Then please go to my “ Just Giving” page and look for Michael’s walking for “Mental Health, and the Southern Health NHS Trust”.
May I say thank you for any support you may give to my charity cause, because I know it will be faithfully applied by those who serve our needs within the NHS.’
You can donate to Michael’s page here –

Lucy has been creating knitted ‘nurses and friends’ for her colleagues at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.
She has smashed her original target of £50 and has now raised nearly £400!
She says, ‘If you would like one of my knitted nurses please make a donation to my page and send me your address. Minimum donation of £5 each please. I estimate postage to be approx £3 so if you would like to add this to your donation that would be great.
All donations will go to my colleagues at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust who are working on the frontline at this time in the fight against Coronavirus.
I have thoroughly enjoyed knitting these but please note I am not an expert so there may be flaws.’
You can order one for yourself by clicking the link –
Morgan is raising money for Brighterway by doing press ups each day, he’s currently on day 26 and hopes to make it to day 100!

He says ‘ I am raising money on your behalf due to all of the services NHS staff, COVID-19 support-staff and hospital staff are doing with the current outgoing pandemic. I chose to raise money in this way as I feel that by doing this I am giving my thanks back to the NHS for all the amazing work you and they are doing as a team to help others cope during these tough times’
I do also have a few friends who work in care teams, I respect their work highly too so this is my way of saying thank you.
If you would like to donate to Morgan’s page, please click here –