#WeLoveMarchwood tote bag campaign

On Friday, Brighterway were presented with a cheque for £1050 from the #WeLoveMarchwood tote bag campaign. Having exceeded £2000 in total raised from the bags project, Marchwood Council were delighted to present cheques for £1050 to Jan Hayter from the Waterside Foodbank and Ian Hynd from Brighterway this morning.
The We Love Marchwood team commented ‘Thank you to everyone who has supported this cause by purchasing a bag or a raffle ticket. Every penny of the money you spent has gone to help people in our local area.’
‘Thank you to Luke Mostran (Noodles & Doodles) for providing the fantastic artwork, and for all of the community volunteers involved in making this happen.’
‘Finally, thank you to the sponsors Welcome Stores (Co-op), Southampton FC and New Forest Care, whose contributions meant that all money from the sale of the bags was able to be donated to our charities. Special thanks to Richard Dance for selling the bags in store and providing the raffle prize.’
If you would like to get your hands on a bag, they’re still for sale at Welcome Stores (Co-op) in Marchwood for £5 each.