Create Wellbeing Eat Well: Brightergrounds project

Following the announcement in relation to successfully securing funding, we are happy to announce the third part of the project Create Wellbeing Eat Well’, the Brightergrounds project.
Staff, patients and volunteers use our land and its environment every day, and it is our mission to support the improvement and conservation of those spaces. As part of the funding (Learn more about the funding here), we will be:
- Working with Lymington Hospital League of Friends to develop a new footpath trail from the entrance of Lymington New Forest Hospital, through a wooded area, to the Lymington River, signposted with carved way markers.
- Repair and extend the boardwalk at Tatchbury Mount, making it fully accessible.
- Create a new pond at Tatchbury to provide a natural habitat for newts and other amphibians.
The above construction jobs will be completed by local experts with the support of volunteers.
If you would like to know more or to get involved, please contact: