brighterway October 2021

October was a fantastic month for brighterway!
We support projects that aren’t covered by NHS funding and we’d love to continue funding these projects for our staff, patients and community. We couldn’t do it without your support and fundraising, so thank you 😁
Here’s a breakdown of the projects we funded last month. In total, brighterway funded 27 projects, of which 3 will benefit staff and 24 will benefit patients of the Trust. These projects consisted of 22 Christmas related projects (this includes sending Christmas presents and decorations to inpatient units) and 5 wellbeing, garden and carer projects.
We received applications across the whole Trust, with applications from all divisions. We love to see how brighterway is helping the mental health and wellbeing of our staff and patients. If you have been involved in of these projects please email to let us know what you think!
If you have any ‘Bright Ideas’ or would like to help us with fundraising, head over to ‘Your Bright Ideas’ page on our website to download an application form Your Bright Ideas – Brighterway. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing what a difference we can make each month!