Frailty Friends

frailty friends badge

The aims of all Frailty Friends are:


1 To recognise Frailty in myself or others

2 To know where to access resources to support someone living with Frailty

3 To support someone with Frailty

4 To engage with the community to help people live well with Frailty

In order to support the community, we will send regular updates of what is going on to support those living with Frailty as well as invitations to come along to healthy aging events, where you can talk about Frailty and the Frailty Friends community.

In pledging to be a Frailty Friend you will agree to watch the Frailty Focus campaign video providing knowledge of what Frailty is and what you can do to

Frailty Friends are identifiable by their badges so stop and talk to them to find out more! They are always happy to share what they have learnt and done to support those living with Frailty.

To join the community, please get in touch!

Working in partnership with North-Hants CCG

For more information, click here.